Zine Library is a community of authors committed to bringing engaging content to readers from around the world.
We cover stories from a wide range of topics which include (but are not limited to) Class Struggle, Ecology Scam, Feminism, Political Prisoners, Police Abuse, LGBT Community, War and Imperialism. Our authors are specialists in their fields. You should expect uncensored controversial pieces that need to be discussed in our society.
At Zine, we believe in the power of the pen. There are many topics from around that need to be discussed if we expect to get any solution for it at all. That is why our authors always produce unparalleled stories without any bias.

Unbiased Take
At Zine, we believe in freedom. Freedom from any undue influence by external forces. That is why our authors are unshaken whenever they are discussing potentially explosive issues. We are also keen to give expert analysis of issues and most of our pieces are backed up by evidence. We are committed to give our readers the truth as it is on the ground.
Changing The World
Through our articles, we hope that we will be able to change the world. We want our articles to be able to stir debate and proactive thinking of solutions to our world problems. We live in challenging times. Wars are being waged in almost every corner of the world, climate change is a big topic or argument and gender and equality can’t continue to be ignored.
We hope that by discussing these issues in full detail, we will be in a better place to forge a future for generations to come – one that is devoid of the mistakes that we’ve currently made.

Moving Forward
You can also be a part of the Zine Library. We appreciate input from people from around the world. If you can create a piece that critically analyses a current situation or trend related to Class Struggle, Ecology Scam, Feminism, Political Prisoners, Police Abuse, LGBT Community, War and Imperialism, then you can contact us. We are always ready to share fresh thoughts and controversies from our readers.